Monday, January 23, 2012

Ventura College Clay Bodies Club

The Clay Bodies is a newly established club at Ventura College.  Every Ventura College student who has a passion or interest for clay and ceramics is eligible to participate in this club. Check out the club site for the meeting schedule and information at  We hope to see you at a future meeting!

Club President - Chloe Rahimzadeh
Club Representative - Brain Byman

Friday, January 13, 2012

Clay as a Means to an End

I happened to walk by Mrs. McKillop's figure drawing class last semester. I was delighted to learn that she uses clay figures for students to do quick sketches. It was wonderful to see clay being used in this manner... as a means to an end as opposed to simply "the end."

Friday, January 6, 2012

Syllabus - Spring 2012

Welcome back to the Ventura College Ceramics and Sculpture blog. Please click on your class to retrieve class syllabus. Hope to see your work on the blog this semester.

V25A Beginning Sculpture I
V25B Beginning Sculpture II
V26A Intermediate Sculpture I
V26B Intermediate Sculpture II

V51A Beginning Ceramics I
V51B Beginning Ceramics II
V52A Ceramic Design I
V52B Ceramic Design II
Grading Rubric

Ventura College Sculpture - Clay Portraits Continued

In this post, sculpture students continued to finish up their clay portraits. Some students can be seen cleaning up their portraits, getting it ready to be fired. I've included some before and after shots as well.

Megan Petree
Michael Mchale
Alondra Jimenez (before)

Alondra Jimenez (after)
Alondra Jimenez

Ventura College Ceramics - Underglaze Experiment

Underglaze has never really been a passion of mine in the classroom - students tend to confuse underglaze with acrylic or oil paint. Instead of using it as a highlight or accent of the design, students tend to use it as a final decorative element for their work. The outcome usually looks very unappealing. The following are great examples of how to use underglaze. Bravo!!

Nicholas Yates

Nicholas Yates
Megan Petree

Nicholas Yates

Megan Petree